Commands & Permissions

All commands and permissions related to Villager Market

Create Villager Shop

Creates a new Villager Shop of specified type

/vm create <type> <shopsize> {storagesize} {price} [time]
<> = required
{} = required for Player Shops
[] = optional
  • <shopsize>: Number of vertical rows for the Shop Front menu (1-6)

  • <storagesize>: Number of vertical rows for the Storage menu (1-6)

  • <price>: The amount of money required for players to buy/rent the Shop

  • [time]: Rent time (Renting a Player Shop), default = infinite

Permission: villagermarket.create

Give Shop spawn egg

Gives specified player a new Villager Shop spawn egg

/vm item give <player> <shopsize> <storagesize> [amount]
<> = required
[] = optional
  • <player>: The player which should recieve the item(s)

  • <shopsize>: Number of vertical rows for the Shop Front menu (1-6)

  • <storagesize>: Number of vertical rows for the Storage menu (1-6)

  • [amount]: Amount of items (1 - 64), default 1

Permission: villagermarket.item.give

Remove Villager Shop

Click on a Villager Shop after entering this command in order to remove it

/vm remove
Permission: villagermarket.remove

Move Villager Shop

Click on a Villager Shop after entering this command to move it to a new location

/vm move
Permission: villagermarket.move

Get Shop statistics

Get quick statistics about a Villager Shop

/vm stats

Add/remove trusted

/vm trusted <add/remove> <player>
  • <add/remove>: Either "add" or "remove"

  • <player>: Player to add/remove

Reload config

Reloads the plugin config values (Configuration)

/vm reload
Permission: villagermarket.reload

Exired storage

Opens the player's expired storage.

/vm expiredstorage
Permission: None

Additional Permissions

Buy shop

If buy_shop_permission is enabled in the config, players need the following permission


Edit Admin Shops

Let's you open the editor for all Admin Shops


See other's Stats and Storage

Open other players' storage with shift + left click, and see stats for all Villager Shops


Use Spawn Egg

Use the shop spawn egg


Change name

Change shop name


Max shops

You can use villagermarket.max_shops.<amount> to limit a player's max shops. You can use villagermarket.unlimited_shops to give a player unlimited shops.


Bypass limit

Let's you bypass item limits.


Bypass price

Let's you bypass max item price.


Use Citizens

Let's you turn shops into Citizen NPCs.


Unlimited shops

Let's you have unlimited amount of shops, bypassing all restrictions.



Grants all VillagerMarket permissions


Last updated

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